Instructor: Ron Gaudette
Ages: 14 up (old enough to handle a knife responsibly)
Location: 101 West Rodney French Blvd NB ~ Kilburn Mill - Studio 260
Format: 3 hours workshop
Date: Saturday, February 22nd
Time: 10:00 to 1:00
Course Fee: $65 per workshop - includes all materials; One ¾” block of bass wood for bird, raw wood base, choice of metal for legs or wooden legs, , borrowed knives, sand papers etc.
Intro to Bird Carving ~ Heron
Learn the fine craft of wittling, or wood carving from one of the finest and most seasoned wood carvers in the area. You will carve an 8" miniature version of a Great Egret, also known as the Great Heron or the White Heron which is a beloved fresh water shore bird now a common breeding bird in Massachusetts. They are ultra graceful and majestic to behold. Using bass wood, a common carving wood beloved for it's beautiful patterning and relatively soft ease for carving. The wood will rough cut and pre-shaped so you'll be ready to hit the ground running to carve and whittle away. Through the gentle, patient instruction of Ron Gaudette creating your own sandpiper to display with honor for years to come. First, giving a step by step demonstration on the handling, care and useage of the knife, Ron will walk you through the steps of carving, whittling, sanding, mounting, priming and painting these beauties; finally preserving them with a finished coating. Included will be all the materials needed to create this small masterpiece. With borrowed knives, sand paper, finger guards and pre-cut metal for a beak and legs, you won’t believe that you made it yourself ! This is a great, peaceful project to do on your own or with your buddies, your kin, your daddy or with a child over 14 who can handle the tools.